Opener Predictions
Common question and conversations I have been having lately are about Mille Lacs ice out and fishing opener. Seems like the "in" thing to do right now is complain about our snowy and cold April. Yes, I agree, this sucks. I wish we could plan on our lake being ice free by May. But this year I don't think that will be the case. As of right now I don't see Mille Lacs being ice free until about the 19th of May. And I only see that happening if our weather takes a turn for the warmer.
Business wise I have my same crew of guys planned for opening weekend. My first official guide season starts on the 17th of May. Will we have to take a page from the MN Twins playbook and must reschedule due to snow? Somehow, I doubt that - but it sure feels that way right now!
One of my most memorable Mille Lacs Lake openers was in 2013. For those of you who don't remember or keep track we did have ice on the lake that opener weekend. We fished. Trolled the edge of the ice pack. Laughed about pitching bobbers to the edge of the ice sheet. We didn’t catch a lot of fish. We did get a few. But it made for great pictures and fun. I think we are in for a repeat... And I think I have a new trick up my sleeve for this season "ice opener" on Mille Lacs. Either way I expect good fishing and good times!
Remember you heard it here first. Mille Lacs Lake ice out date will be 5/19/2018.
Keep your rods bent!